Julio's father is 4 times as old as Julio. The sum of their ages is no less than 55.

Enter an inequality that can be used to represent this situation in the first box, where x represents Julio's age.

Enter the youngest age Julio can be in the second box.

The youngest Julio can be is 6. As for the equation, 55 divided by 2 which is 13.75. Then divide that by 2 to get 6.875. No one can be 6.875, so the younges he can be is 6. Add on the rest, (48.125) and you'll find out that the oldest his father can be is 48. Hope this helps :)

Sorry, i mean 55 divided by 4

To represent the given situation with an inequality, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Assign a variable to Julio's age. Let's use x as Julio's age.

Step 2: Based on the information given, we know that Julio's father is 4 times as old as Julio. This can be expressed as 4x for Julio's father's age.

Step 3: The sum of their ages is no less than 55. So we can add their ages together and set the sum greater than or equal to 55.

Combining all the information, we can write the inequality as:

x + 4x ≥ 55

Simplifying the left side of the inequality, we have:

5x ≥ 55

To find the youngest possible age for Julio, we need to solve this inequality for x:

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 5, we get:

x ≥ 11

Therefore, the inequality representing the situation is 5x ≥ 55, and the youngest age Julio can be is 11 years old.