At allendale psychiatric hospital, the hospital census on january 4 is 110. according to the following data, whats the hospital census for january 5?

admissions - 10
discharges - 2
a & d - 1

A. 99
B. 100
C. 108
D. 118

i am thinking that the answer is C but im not sure its really honestly a guess im not sure what hospital census means and i cant find it in my material. if someone could please help me that would be great.

You start with 110, admit ten more, and discharge 2. That is 108. I have no idea what an a&d is, unless it is and admit and immediately discharge, which changes nothing.

110 + 10 = 120

120 - 2 = ??

What's "a&d"??

the a & d is admissions and discharges together im guessing.

ok so if i have 110 then i admit 10 that would be 120 then you discharge 2 that would be 118 not 108 right? so the correct answer should be 118?????

Right. The answer is 118.

To determine the hospital census for January 5th, you need to consider the changes in the number of patients in the hospital based on the given data.

First, start with the initial hospital census on January 4th, which is 110 patients.

Next, consider the changes:
- Admissions: There were 10 admissions, indicating that 10 new patients were admitted.
- Discharges: There were 2 discharges, meaning that 2 patients were discharged from the hospital.
- A & D: "A & D" refers to patients who were admitted and discharged on the same day. In this case, there is only 1 A & D patient.

To calculate the hospital census for January 5th, add the changes to the initial census:
Initial census (January 4th) + Admissions - Discharges + A & D

110 + 10 - 2 + 1 = 119

So, the hospital census for January 5th is 119.

The provided answer options are A. 99, B. 100, C. 108, and D. 118. None of these options matches the calculated census of 119. Therefore, it may be possible that there is an error in either the given data or the answer options. It's essential to double-check the information provided or consult additional resources if available.