Jim has $87. He spends $6 for socks and at least $32 for shoes. How much does he have left to spend on shirts? I know the answer is >49 I need to find the inequality equation.

Thank you

87 - 6 - x >= 32

81 - x >= 32
49 >= x

so, at most $49 for shirts.

thanks bud really helpful

Let's assume the amount Jim has left to spend on shirts is represented by the variable "x".

Jim starts with $87 and spends $6 for socks, leaving him with $87 - $6 = $81.

He also spends at least $32 for shoes, so the amount he has left is now $81 - $32 = $49.

Since Jim wants to know how much he has left to spend on shirts, we can set up the inequality equation:

x ≥ $49

This means that Jim must have at least $49 remaining in order to spend on shirts.

To find the inequality equation, let's break down the information given in the problem.

Jim has $87.
He spends $6 for socks.
He spends at least $32 for shoes.

To calculate how much Jim has left to spend on shirts, we subtract the amounts he spent on socks and shoes from the total amount he had originally.

Total amount Jim has = $87
Amount spent on socks = $6
Amount spent on shoes (minimum) = $32

To find Jim's remaining amount, we subtract the amounts spent on socks and shoes from the total amount he had:

Remaining amount = Total amount - Amount spent on socks - Amount spent on shoes
Remaining amount = $87 - $6 - $32
Remaining amount = $49

Therefore, Jim has $49 remaining to spend on shirts.

To express this as an inequality equation, we can use the "greater than or equal to" symbol (≥):

Remaining amount ≥ $49

So, the inequality equation is: Jim's remaining amount is ≥ $49.