An Amount of $ 14400 is made up of $100, 50, 20 and 10 notes. The number of $10 notes are 3 times the number of 20 notes. The number of $20 note are 5 times the number of $50 notes.

The number of $50 note are 5 times the number of $100 notes. How many of $100 note are there?

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's represent the number of $100 notes as x.

According to the given information, the number of $50 notes is 5 times the number of $100 notes, so it would be 5x.

The number of $20 notes is 5 times the number of $50 notes, so it would be 5 * 5x = 25x.

The number of $10 notes is 3 times the number of $20 notes, so it would be 3 * 25x = 75x.

Now, we can write an equation to represent the total value of the money:

100x + 50(5x) + 20(25x) + 10(75x) = 14400

Simplifying the equation:

100x + 250x + 500x + 750x = 14400

1600x = 14400

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 1600:

x = 14400 / 1600

x = 9

Therefore, there are 9 $100 notes.