Please fill in the blanks :

Proteins _____make up the _______ materials , hormones , and enzymes in living things to function correctly .

What are your choices?

will, basic?

Proteins make up the structural materials, hormones, and enzymes in living things to function correctly.

To fill in the blanks, we need to understand what proteins are and what they do in living organisms.

Proteins are large molecules made up of long chains of building blocks called amino acids. These amino acids are linked together in a specific sequence and folded into complex three-dimensional structures.

Proteins have a wide range of functions in living organisms. Firstly, they are essential for the structure and function of cells. They form the structural materials, such as collagen in our skin and hair, actin and myosin in muscle fibers, and keratin in nails and feathers.

Additionally, proteins serve as hormones, which are chemical messengers that regulate various processes in the body. For example, insulin is a protein hormone that controls blood sugar levels, while growth hormone regulates growth and development.

Furthermore, proteins act as enzymes, which are catalysts that enable chemical reactions to occur in cells. Enzymes have specific shapes that allow them to bind to certain molecules and speed up the chemical reactions necessary for cellular processes like digestion, metabolism, and DNA replication.

In conclusion, proteins play crucial roles in living things by serving as structural materials, hormones, and enzymes. They are essential for the proper functioning and survival of organisms.