How is graffiti typically used as an art form?

Walls are painted to blend in with the surroundings

History recorded in an open minded way

Individuals express there social and political opinions***

Utilitarian art is crated two dimensions.

Yes, I agree.

Graffiti is typically used as an art form in several ways:

1. Walls are painted to blend in with the surroundings: Graffiti artists often use their skills to beautify and enhance the appearance of a location by painting murals or creating large-scale artwork on walls. This allows the art to harmonize with the environment and become part of the landscape.

2. History is recorded in an open-minded way: Graffiti can serve as a means to document historical events or cultural shifts in a more accessible and relatable manner. Artists may use their work to depict significant moments or highlight social issues, providing an alternative perspective on history.

3. Individuals express their social and political opinions: Graffiti has long been used as a medium for social and political commentary. Artists may use their work to express personal opinions, challenge societal norms, or raise awareness about specific issues. This form of self-expression can be powerful and influential, giving voice to marginalized communities or highlighting injustices.

4. Utilitarian art created in two dimensions: Graffiti can also have a practical function beyond aesthetics. Artists may utilize their skills to create functional art, such as wayfinding signs, directional markers, or public announcements. This form of utilitarian art adds both visual appeal and functionality to urban spaces.

To fully appreciate and understand how graffiti is used as an art form, it is essential to immerse oneself in the works of various graffiti artists, explore the different styles and techniques employed, and learn about the cultural and historical contexts in which they were created. Additionally, engaging with graffiti communities, attending exhibitions or street art festivals, and reading about the experiences and motivations of graffiti artists can provide valuable insights into the art form.