Given that y = e^f(x), show that y' = f'(x)e^f(x).

Hence, find y' when f(x) = x.
Given that y = e^f(x), show that y' = f'(x)e^f(x).
Hence, find y' when f(x) = x.

this is just the chain rule. I assume you have seen the proof of that.

That said, just substitute x for f(x).

sorry sir pleasee show me how

There are lots of proofs of the chain rule on line. You can find one here, if you scroll down some

So, now you know that if

y = f(g) and g is a function of x, then
dy/dx = df/dg * dg/dx
You can see that treated as fractions, the "dg" factors cancel.

Now, how do you know that
d/dx = e^x ?
There are lots of proofs of that, as well, such as

(or, probably, in your own math text!)

So, if y = e^f(x)
y' = e^f f'(x)
If f = x, then f'=1, and we have the very useful result that

d/dx e^x = e^x

To prove the given statement, we'll use the chain rule for differentiation.

Let's start by differentiating both sides of the equation y = e^f(x) with respect to x:

dy/dx = d/dx(e^f(x))

To differentiate the right side of the equation, we'll use the chain rule.

Let u = f(x) and v = e^u. Thus, y = v.

Applying the chain rule, we have:
dy/dx = dv/du * du/dx

To find dv/du, we differentiate v = e^u with respect to u.

dv/du = d/du(e^u) = e^u

Now, let's differentiate u = f(x) with respect to x to find du/dx.

du/dx = d/dx(f(x)) = f'(x)

Substituting the values back into the chain rule expression, we get:

dy/dx = e^u * f'(x)

Since y = v, we can substitute back in e^f(x) for v:

dy/dx = e^f(x) * f'(x)

Therefore, we have shown that y' = f'(x) * e^f(x).

To find y' when f(x) = x, we substitute f(x) = x into the derived result:

y' = f'(x) * e^f(x)
y' = 1 * e^x
y' = e^x

Hence, when f(x) = x, y' = e^x.