Kelly has 525 red, green, blue balloons. She has 4 times as many green balloons as red balloons. She has half as many blue balloons as green balloons. What is the value of r, the number of red balloons?

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75 red ballons

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To find the value of r, we need to solve the given information as a system of equations. Let's break down the information step by step:

1. Kelly has 525 red, green, and blue balloons.
- Let's represent the total number of balloons as R + G + B = 525, where R is the number of red balloons, G is the number of green balloons, and B is the number of blue balloons.

2. Kelly has 4 times as many green balloons as red balloons.
- This means G = 4R, where G represents the number of green balloons and R represents the number of red balloons.

3. Kelly has half as many blue balloons as green balloons.
- This means B = (1/2)G, where B represents the number of blue balloons and G represents the number of green balloons.

Now, we can substitute equations (2) and (3) into equation (1) to form a new equation:

R + G + B = 525
R + 4R + (1/2)G = 525

To simplify the equation, let's convert (1/2)G to 2R since G = 4R:

R + 4R + 2R = 525
7R = 525

Dividing both sides of the equation by 7:

R = 525/7
R = 75

Therefore, the value of r, the number of red balloons, is 75.