Pete grabbed 18 mixed nuts, 2/9 of which were almonds. Which equation shows how to determine the number of almonds Pete grabbed?

Pete grabbed 18 mixed nuts, mc001-1.jpg of which were almonds. Which equation shows how to determine the number of almonds Pete grabbed

To determine the number of almonds Pete grabbed, we can set up an equation using the given information.

The problem states that 2/9 of the mixed nuts are almonds. So, we can set up the proportion:

(2/9) = x/18

Here, 'x' represents the number of almonds Pete grabbed and 18 is the total number of mixed nuts Pete grabbed.

To solve for 'x', we can cross-multiply:

(2/9) * 18 = x

Now we can calculate the number of almonds Pete grabbed by simplifying the equation:

(2 * 18)/9 = x

36/9 = x

x = 4

Therefore, the equation that shows how to determine the number of almonds Pete grabbed is:

(2/9) * 18 = 4

You smart

None of the above.