which of the following is an example of human-caused durbance to an ecosystem

a. a tsunmi destroys a coastal forest and causes flooding
b. a river is diverted to irrigate farmlands during a drought*
c. after a volcanic eruption, global avarage temperatures lower
d. the snow cover of a region grows and shrinks throughout the year

Anyone have all the answers?


The answer is b.

To determine which of the options is an example of human-caused disturbance to an ecosystem, we need to analyze each option and identify if it is a result of human activity.

a. A tsunami destroying a coastal forest and causing flooding is a natural disaster and not directly caused by human activity, so it is not an example of human-caused disturbance.

b. When a river is diverted to irrigate farmlands during a drought, it is an action taken by humans to meet their water needs. This alteration of the river's natural flow is a clear example of a human-caused disturbance to the ecosystem.

c. After a volcanic eruption, global average temperatures lowering is a natural outcome caused by the release of ash and gases into the atmosphere. While humans can contribute to air pollution and climate change, the eruption itself is not directly caused by human activity, so it is not an example of human-caused disturbance.

d. The snow cover of a region growing and shrinking throughout the year is a natural seasonal occurrence and not directly influenced by human activity, so it is not an example of human-caused disturbance.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. A river being diverted to irrigate farmlands during a drought is an example of human-caused disturbance to an ecosystem.