100 apples were bought for 120.out of them 30 were thrown away the remaining apple were sold at 1.50each.Find profit and loss percent.

To find the profit or loss percent, we need to calculate the cost price, selling price, and then use the following formula:

Profit/Loss percent = ((Selling price - Cost price) / Cost price) * 100

Let's calculate each step:

1. Cost Price:
The cost price is the total amount spent on buying the 100 apples, which is $120.
Therefore, the cost price per apple is $120 / 100 = $1.20.

2. Selling Price:
Out of the 100 apples, 30 were thrown away, so the remaining apples sold are 100 - 30 = 70.
The selling price per apple is $1.50.

To find the total selling price, we multiply the selling price per apple by the number of apples sold:
Selling Price = $1.50 x 70 = $105.

Now, we can calculate the profit or loss percent:

Profit/Loss percent = ((Selling price - Cost price) / Cost price) * 100
= (($105 - $120) / $120) * 100
= (-$15 / $120) * 100
= -12.5%

Therefore, there is a loss of 12.5%.

In order to find the profit or loss percent, we need to determine the cost price (CP) and selling price (SP) of the apples.

First, let's calculate the CP:
Cost Price (CP) = Total amount spent on buying the apples
Since 100 apples were bought for 120, the CP can be calculated as:
CP = 120 / 100 = $1.20 per apple

Next, let's calculate the selling price (SP):
Selling Price (SP) = Number of remaining apples * Selling Price per apple
After 30 apples were thrown away, the remaining apples would be 100 - 30 = 70 apples.
Therefore, SP = 70 * 1.50 = $105.

To find if there is a profit or loss, we compare the selling price with the cost price.
If SP > CP, it is a profit. If SP < CP, it is a loss.

In this case, the selling price 105 is greater than the cost price 120, indicating a profit.

Let's calculate the profit:
Profit = SP - CP = 105 - 120 = -$15 (negative value indicates a loss)

Now let's calculate the profit percentage:
Profit Percentage = (Profit / CP) * 100
Profit Percentage = (-15 / 120) * 100 ≈ -12.5%

Therefore, the profit percentage is approximately -12.5%.

cost price per apple = 1.2

they sold 70 at 1.5 or
return = 105
profit = 5

percentage profit = 5/100 = .05 = 5%