what expressed powers show that the framers wished congress to have the power to secure the nation against?

1. raise armies and a navy
2. establish a federal post office
3. levy taxes, duties, and excises
4. regulate interstate commerce
5. govern the federal capital

i need help

best answer is 1 and 2

Secure the nation against what?

Sure! I can help you with that. To determine which expressed powers show that the framers wished Congress to have the power to secure the nation against, we can go through each option and evaluate its relevance.

1. Raise armies and a navy: This power is explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, in Article I, Section 8, Clause 12. It grants Congress the power to raise and support armies and maintain a navy. This power is directly aimed at ensuring the national security of the United States.

2. Establish a federal post office: This power is also explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, in Article I, Section 8, Clause 7. It grants Congress the authority to establish and maintain post offices and post roads. While this power may not be directly related to national security, it does contribute to maintaining communication infrastructure within the country, which can be important during times of war or crisis.

3. Levy taxes, duties, and excises: This power is mentioned in Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution. It gives Congress the power to levy taxes, duties, and excises to fund the operations of the federal government. While this power is not directly focused on national security, it provides Congress with the financial means to support and maintain the military and other security-related efforts.

4. Regulate interstate commerce: This power is found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Constitution. It grants Congress the power to regulate commerce among the states. This power is crucial for ensuring economic stability and security within the nation, particularly by preventing any potential conflicts or disputes between states that could compromise national security.

5. Govern the federal capital: The power to govern the federal capital, which is Washington, D.C., is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. However, it can be implied from Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, which grants Congress the authority to exercise exclusive legislation over the District of Columbia. While this power is not directly related to securing the nation against external threats, it ensures the proper functioning and security of the capital, which is an essential aspect of national security.

Based on the analysis, the expressed powers that show that the framers wished Congress to have the power to secure the nation against are:

1. Raise armies and a navy
2. Establish a federal post office
3. Levy taxes, duties, and excises
4. Regulate interstate commerce

I hope this explanation helps!