I need some websites for the answers to these questions:

What is diffusion?
What causes diffusion?
Why is diffusion important to living organisms?



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Sure, here are some websites where you can find reliable answers to your questions:

1. What is diffusion?
- Website: https://www.diffen.com/difference/Diffusion_vs_Osmosis
- Explanation: Diffen.com is a useful website that provides a comprehensive explanation of diffusion and compares it to osmosis. It breaks down the concept of diffusion into simpler terms, making it easier to understand.

2. What causes diffusion?
- Website: https://www.thoughtco.com/what-causes-diffusion-609415
- Explanation: ThoughtCo is an educational website that offers a clear explanation of the causes of diffusion. It explores how differences in concentration, temperature, and pressure drive the process of diffusion.

3. Why is diffusion important to living organisms?
- Website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4170837/
- Explanation: The National Library of Medicine's website, PubMed Central, hosts various scientific articles. In this specific article, it discusses the importance of diffusion in living organisms at a cellular level. It covers the role of diffusion in nutrient and waste exchange, as well as in maintaining homeostasis.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find on these websites and cross-reference with other reputable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.