What country or continent is located at 40°S,100°E?

No country or continent is located there. Those coordinates are in the Indian Ocean.


Ok, thank you ☺

You're welcome.

To determine the country or continent located at coordinates 40°S, 100°E, we can use a combination of latitude and longitude values and a world map.

First, let's start with the latitude value of 40°S. Latitude measures the distance north or south of the Equator, with the Equator located at 0° latitude. Positive values refer to locations in the Northern Hemisphere, while negative values indicate locations in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, 40°S means that the location is in the Southern Hemisphere.

Next, let's look at the longitude value of 100°E. Longitude measures the distance east or west from the Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich, London, and is marked at 0° longitude. Positive values indicate locations to the east of the Prime Meridian, while negative values represent locations to the west. In this case, 100°E means that the location is 100 degrees east of the Prime Meridian.

Now that we have determined that the location is in the Southern Hemisphere and 100 degrees east of the Prime Meridian, we can refer to a world map or use an online mapping tool to find the country or continent.

If you consult a map or use an online mapping tool such as Google Maps and enter the coordinates 40°S, 100°E, you will find that the location is in the southern part of the Indian Ocean. There are no significant land masses at this exact coordinate, so we can't associate it with a specific country or continent.

Therefore, at the coordinates 40°S, 100°E, there is no specific country or continent. It is located in the Indian Ocean.