I am Dekanawidah and with the Five Nations' Confederate Lords I plant the Tree of Great Peace. I plant it in your territory, Adodarhoh, and the Onondaga Nation, in the territory of you who are Firekeepers.

I name the tree the Tree of the Great Long Leaves. Under the shade of this Tree of the Great Peace we spread the soft white feathery down of the globe thistle as seats for you, Adodarhoh, and your cousin Lords.

We place you upon those seats, spread soft with the feathery down of the globe thistle, there beneath the shade of the spreading branches of the Tree of Peace. There shall you sit and watch the Council Fire of the Confederacy of the Five Nations, and all the affairs of the Five Nations shall be transacted at this place before you, Adodarhoh, and your cousin Lords, by the Confederate Lords of the Five Nations.

1. Based on this excerpt, what was the propose of the Iroquois league?

To help maintain the local forests for use by the people of each member tribe

To work together and defend each other to keep peace ••

To establish laws that all Native American nations were to follow

To provide comfort and care for visiting tribal leaders

2. How did native Americans influence other parts of the world?

They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries

They were taken as slaves to other parts of the world where they grew crops••

The millions of native Americans who died from diseases significantly affected the global population

They taught settlers how to make weapons that were then traded with other countries

3. Which of these were reasons for Columbus first voyage from Spain? Select all that apply

Spain wanted to discover new land for settlement ••

He went in search of an easier route to Asia

He sought to bring back native Americans for slavery ••

Spain wanted to control the spice trade

1 is right.

2 is wrong.

3 is half right.

2 a

3 a and b

2 a - no

3 a and b - yes

I re read it again and for number 3 is D

Is that right Ms.Sue

What are all of your answers for 3?

I meant to say question number 3 is D ... is that right

D is half right.

1. Based on this excerpt, the purpose of the Iroquois league, also known as the Confederacy of the Five Nations, was to work together and defend each other to keep peace. This can be inferred from the mention of planting the Tree of Great Peace and establishing a council where the affairs of the Five Nations would be transacted.

To find this answer, you would need to carefully read and analyze the given excerpt. Look for keywords or phrases that indicate the purpose or goals of the Iroquois league.

2. The given options for how Native Americans influenced other parts of the world are not entirely accurate or comprehensive. While they did teach settlers how to grow crops and make weapons, and the loss of millions of Native Americans due to diseases did have a significant impact on the global population, these answers do not encompass the full range of Native American influences.

In reality, Native Americans had a diverse range of cultural, social, and economic impacts on other parts of the world. They had unique agricultural practices that shaped farming techniques, introduced new foods and medicines, contributed to the development of democratic ideals, and had an influence on art and literature, among other things. Therefore, it is not possible to choose one definitive answer from the given options.

To explore the influence of Native Americans on other parts of the world, you would need to study their history, interactions with other cultures, and their lasting legacies in various aspects of society.

3. The reasons for Columbus's first voyage from Spain included Spain's desire to discover new land for settlement and to find an easier route to Asia. These motives reflect the prevailing exploration and colonial expansion goals of European powers during that time.

To determine the reasons for Columbus's voyage, you would need to study historical records, accounts, and the motivations of the Spanish crown during that era. It is important to note that Columbus's voyages also resulted in unintended consequences such as the colonization and exploitation of indigenous populations, which were not part of the explicitly stated reasons for his voyage.

What does your book say?

Does it discuss the Portuguese going east around Africa to the Indian Ocean and East Indies? Does it mention that other European countries might want to find another way to get there and that Columbus thought he could get to the East Indies by sailing west the other way around the world which turned out to have a larger circumference than he thought? Does it mention that the West Indies off America are called that because Columbus thought he had found the Indies(East) and did not realize that he had found another continent during his lifetime?