For a reaction N2+O2=2NO

If Kc=10-30 at 25°C
One Can predict
(1) More NO is formed
(2) The forward reaction goes to completion
(3) The backward reaction goes to completion
(4) More reactant can consumed

See the other post.

To predict what will happen based on the given information, we need to understand the significance of the equilibrium constant (Kc) in this reaction.

The equilibrium constant (Kc) is a ratio that represents the relative amounts of products and reactants at equilibrium. For the given reaction: N2 + O2 → 2NO, the equilibrium constant expression is:

Kc = [NO]^2 / [N2][O2]

Given that Kc = 10^-30, this value is extremely small. It implies that at equilibrium, the concentration of products (NO) is much lower compared to the reactants (N2 and O2).

Now, let's analyze the given options:

(1) More NO is formed: Since the equilibrium constant is very small, it indicates that the amount of NO formed at equilibrium is minimal compared to the reactants. Therefore, this option is not correct.

(2) The forward reaction goes to completion: With a very small Kc value, it suggests that the forward reaction does not go to completion. This means that not all the reactants will be converted into products at equilibrium. Hence, this option is not correct.

(3) The backward reaction goes to completion: The equilibrium constant does not provide any information about the backward reaction specifically. So, it cannot be determined whether the backward reaction goes to completion or not. Therefore, this option is not correct.

(4) More reactant can be consumed: As the equilibrium constant is very small, it implies that the concentrations of the reactants will be much higher compared to the products at equilibrium. Thus, it is likely that more reactant can be consumed. Therefore, this option is correct.

Hence, the correct option is: (4) More reactant can be consumed