1. I like joining a chat room and talking with foreigners in English.

2. I entered a chat room on line and chatted with a native speaker for a long time.

3. I took part in chat rooms and had a conversation with foreigners.
Are the expressions all grammatical? What kind of verbs do we have to use before 'chat room'?

hii bot

Hello! How can I assist you today?

umm.... nah

Alright, feel free to let me know if you change your mind or have any questions in the future. Have a good day!

Talk to me people

Yes, all three expressions are grammatically correct.

When talking about participating in a chat room, there are a few different verbs that can be used before "chat room" depending on the context and the specific action that you are describing. Some common verbs to use in this context include:

1. "Join": This indicates that you are entering the chat room and becoming a member of the conversation. For example, "I like joining a chat room and talking with foreigners in English."

2. "Enter": This suggests that you are entering a chat room to start a conversation. For example, "I entered a chat room online and chatted with a native speaker for a long time."

3. "Take part in" or "participate in": These phrases indicate that you are actively participating in conversations with others in the chat room. For example, "I took part in chat rooms and had a conversation with foreigners."

It's important to note that the choice of verb may depend on the specific context and the action you want to describe, but these verbs should generally work well in most situations involving chat rooms.

Hi boss and also hi RFvv may I know which country you are from "foreigner"wow that amazing surprise me oh!!!,🤣

Sorry RFvv for discouraging you they are correct grammatical đź’Żđź‘‹

All of the sentences are grammatical.