Ming Moved to toronto 10 years ago when he was three. He still Speaks Chinese but has learned english and some french. he celebrates both chinesse and canadaian holidays.ming best reflects that canada is a____________.

a. plural society
b. melting pot
c. cultural mosiac
d. democracy

thanks in advance!

I vote for a. What does your text say?


It is actually C I just took the test

To answer this question and find the best reflection of what Canada is based on the given information about Ming, we can analyze the different options provided.

a. Plural society: A plural society refers to a society where various cultural groups coexist alongside each other while maintaining their distinct identities. In the given information, Ming celebrates both Chinese and Canadian holidays, suggesting that there is coexistence and recognition of different cultures in Canada. However, this option does not specifically address the aspect of cultural integration or assimilation, which is important in this context.

b. Melting pot: A melting pot is a metaphor used to describe a society where diverse cultural groups assimilate and blend together to form a unified culture. While Ming speaks both Chinese and English, indicating cultural integration, the fact that he still celebrates Chinese holidays suggests that he has not completely assimilated into Canadian culture. Therefore, the melting pot concept may not be the best reflection of Canada based on the given information.

c. Cultural mosaic: A cultural mosaic is a concept used to describe a society where different cultural groups coexist alongside each other while retaining their unique cultural traits. Ming's ability to speak Chinese and his celebration of both Chinese and Canadian holidays exemplify the idea of a cultural mosaic. Therefore, this option closely aligns with the given information.

d. Democracy: While democracy is a political system rather than a reflection of cultural diversity, it is not directly related to Ming's situation or the cultural aspect of Canada based on the given information. Therefore, it is less suitable as the chosen answer.

Considering the above analysis, the best reflection of what Canada is based on the given information about Ming would be:

c. Cultural mosaic