so to craete a narrative poem in the anglo saxon style of beowulf is to copy the same theme but in your own words and your own characters.i think i got it.but do i write it in a essay form or story form or poem.

If your assignment is to create a narrative poem, then you should write it in poetry form.

o.k can you give me a example on how that looks

It's just like a long story that rhymes

Paul -- follow the pattern of Beowulf.

To create a narrative poem in the Anglo-Saxon style of Beowulf, you'll need to follow a few key elements. Firstly, you should aim to capture the same epic and heroic themes, using your own words and characters. As for the format, a narrative poem typically combines elements of both a story and a poem.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach writing your narrative poem:

1. Choose a central theme: Select a theme that embodies heroism, battles, honor, or other heroic qualities that are often found in Anglo-Saxon literature. Beowulf's central theme, for example, revolves around the triumph of good over evil.

2. Craft your own story: Develop your own plot, characters, and setting. Feel free to incorporate elements of Anglo-Saxon culture and folklore, such as monsters, warriors, and mead halls. However, ensure that your story has its own unique spin to avoid outright copying.

3. Utilize poetic elements: Incorporate poetic devices such as alliteration, repetition, and kennings (compound or metaphorical expressions) that were common in Anglo-Saxon poetry. These techniques will help create the rhythmic and melodic qualities typically associated with this style.

4. Determine your format: Since you are creating a narrative poem, you will need to strike a balance between the structure of an essay and the storytelling aspect. Beowulf itself follows a narrative structure, although it is written as a poem.

5. Write in a poetic manner: Use language that is evocative and expressive, ensuring your lines flow smoothly and maintain a consistent meter. Keep in mind the poetic devices mentioned earlier to enhance the poem's impact.

6. Experiment with form: While there is no strict rule, you may consider utilizing a more traditional poetic form, such as alliterative verse, to imitate the Old English style. This includes using strong stresses and maintaining the pattern of alliteration throughout the lines.

Remember, the goal is not to simply retell Beowulf but to create your own narrative poem inspired by Anglo-Saxon literature. This will allow you to showcase your creativity and personalized take on the themes and style of Beowulf.