A cup of cereal has 1212 grams of fiber, which is 40%40% of the recommended daily allowance. What is the recommended daily amount?

For TTM: 30 is the answer

it is 30

you use ttm dont you

ITS 30


are you sure this is right? I am doing this same problem in math and it showed as wrong

Thank youuu

its 30

To find the recommended daily amount of fiber, we can reverse the process. We know that the 1212 grams of fiber in the cup of cereal represents 40% of the recommended daily allowance.

To find the recommended daily allowance, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

1212 grams of fiber / x = 40% / 100%

To solve for x (the recommended daily amount of fiber), we need to cross-multiply and solve for x:

1212 grams of fiber * 100% = 40% * x

1212 * 100 = 40 * x

121200 = 40x

Dividing both sides of the equation by 40, we get:

121200 / 40 = x

The recommended daily amount of fiber is 3030 grams.

I think you mean 12 grams and 40%

12 = .4 x
x = 12/.4