Yesterday I posted about how I have to debate about Athens and Sparta about their women and children. I looked it up but it isn't helpful because all the information shows that Sparta women are treated better. How am I suppose to debate about the Athens if the women aren't treated as well? Can someone help me please

I posted what I found. Have you read through at least a dozen of the articles?

Read carefully.

You also might just search for women (not children).

Yes I looked through a lot. Spartan women were able to go out and have all this freedom and Athens were forced to stay home and do house work. All the articles I read referred to this. So I'm not sure how I can talk about Athens in a positive way in those terms.

Perhaps there was something comforting about being taken care of and not being forced to go outside. Throughout history, most women have not ventured very far into the world and knew nothing about the freedoms we take for granted.

Yes I looked through a lot. Spartan women were able to go out and have all this freedom and Athens were forced to stay home and do house work. All the articles I read referred to this. So I'm not sure how I can talk about Athens in a positive way in those terms.

Certainly! I'll do my best to help you out. While it is true that Sparta is often regarded as a society that gave more freedom and rights to women compared to Athens, there are still aspects of Athenian society that you can focus on and present in your debate. Here's what you can consider:

1. Roles and responsibilities: In Athens, women had specific roles and responsibilities within the household. While they were typically confined to the private sphere, they played crucial roles in managing the household, raising children, and maintaining social harmony. You can discuss the importance and influence of these roles, showcasing the value Athenian society placed on women's contributions to the family unit.

2. Education: Though limited compared to men, Athenian girls did receive some education, particularly in domestic skills and managing household affairs. You can emphasize the significance of this education, explaining how it equipped Athenian women with practical skills to enhance their roles within the household.

3. Religious roles: Women played important roles in religious rituals and festivals in Athens. They were responsible for the cultivation and preservation of religious practices and had opportunities to participate in public ceremonies. Highlighting the significance of these roles can showcase the involvement and recognition of Athenian women within their society.

4. Political influence: While Athens was primarily a male-dominated society, there were instances where women exerted some political influence. For example, women could try to persuade their husbands, fathers, or brothers to vote a certain way. You could discuss the potential impact of women's persuasion within the private sphere and how it could indirectly affect the political decisions made in Athens.

Remember, the key is to present the limited rights and roles of Athenian women in contrast to the more favorable conditions for women in Sparta. By acknowledging these differences, you can still provide a well-rounded and informative debate that highlights the nuances of both societies.