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When your parrot has flown away

or, in the spirit of one "l", when your parot has gone.

Polygon is a term used in geometry to refer to a two-dimensional shape that is formed by a closed path of straight lines. It is a general term that encompasses various specific polygons, such as triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and so on.

To understand what a polygon is, we can look at its defining characteristics:

1. Straight sides: A polygon consists of straight line segments, which are called sides. Each side connects two adjacent vertices.

2. Closed path: The sides of a polygon form a closed path, meaning that the last side connects back to the first side, enclosing an interior area.

3. Vertices: These are the points where the sides of the polygon meet. The number of vertices determines the name of the polygon. For example, a polygon with three vertices is called a triangle, while a polygon with four vertices is called a quadrilateral.

To determine if a particular shape is a polygon, you can follow these steps:

1. Count the number of sides: Make sure that the shape has at least three sides.

2. Check for straight sides: Ensure that each side of the shape is a straight line segment. Curves or arcs would not qualify as sides of a polygon.

3. Verify closure: Confirm that the last side connects back to the first side, enclosing a clearly defined interior space.

By examining a shape's sides, vertices, and closure, you can determine if it qualifies as a polygon.