Inclusive Language Quoting from Biased Material. Help with this sentence.

Back in the 1400s, the laws govening the people were quite specific. "All men shall tithe 10% to the church and pay taxes every six months. All men can attend school until they ae 16 years of age."

If this is a quotation, you must leave all the words exactly as they are. In the 1400s, you can bet that the MEN did the tithing and tax-paying and that MALES went to school, not females.


When using inclusive language in quoting from biased material, it is important to acknowledge the historical context while also striving to make the language more inclusive. An example of how the sentence could be revised to be more inclusive is:

"In the 1400s, the laws governing the people were quite specific. 'All individuals shall tithe 10% to the church and pay taxes every six months. All individuals can attend school until they are 16 years of age.'"

In this revision, we have replaced the term "men" with "individuals" to make it more inclusive. Additionally, we have used neutral terms like "they" and "are" instead of assuming gender. By making these changes, we acknowledge that the original quote may have been biased and take steps to promote inclusivity.