what were some influences on self-government select all that apply

None of the above.

The answer choices are

A commentaries on the laws of England
B the Columbus exchange ---
C English bill of rights
D poor Richards almanac

No, B is not right.

Ok is it a and c


yes it is A and C

To determine the influences on self-government, one can examine various historical, philosophical, and societal factors. Some of the key influences on self-government include:

1. Ancient Greek Democracy: Ancient Greece, particularly Athens, is considered a significant influence on self-government. The concept of democracy originated in Athens around the 5th century BCE, where citizens had the right to participate in decision-making and hold public office.

2. Roman Republic: The Roman Republic, with its system of representative government, had a notable impact on self-government. The Romans developed the concept of elected officials, checks and balances, and a system of laws that applied equally to all citizens.

3. Magna Carta: The Magna Carta, signed in 1215 in England, was a crucial document that limited the power of the monarchy and established rights and liberties for English nobles. It laid the foundation for the rule of law and protection of individual rights, influencing the later development of democratic systems.

4. Enlightenment Thinkers: Philosophers during the Enlightenment period, such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, influenced self-government through their ideas on natural rights, social contract theory, and the consent of the governed. Their writings inspired revolutions and the development of democratic ideals across the world.

5. English Glorious Revolution: The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England significantly influenced self-government. It established the principle of the supremacy of Parliament over the monarchy, leading to a constitutional monarchy and the concept of limited government.

6. American Revolution: The American Revolution, fought from 1775 to 1783, was a major influence on self-government worldwide. The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, declared the fundamental rights and principles of self-government, inspiring other nations to pursue independence and democratic reforms.

7. French Revolution: The French Revolution in the late 18th century had a profound impact on self-government. It challenged the existing order and led to the establishment of principles such as popular sovereignty, equality, and individual rights.

To fully understand the specific influences on self-government, one can explore these historical events, study the works of philosophers, and analyze the development of democratic systems around the world.