Combine like terms:

1. -21a + 16a
A -5a
B 5a
C 37a
D -37a**

2. 5 (x + 10) + x

A 6x + 15 **
B 5x + 15
C 6x + 50
D 4x - 50

Both answers are wrong.

is 1 c and 2 b

To combine like terms, you need to simplify the expression by adding or subtracting the coefficients of terms that have the same variable raised to the same power.

1. -21a + 16a

Here, the like terms have the variable "a" raised to the power of 1. To combine them, you simply add or subtract their coefficients:

-21a + 16a = (-21 + 16)a = -5a

So, the correct answer is B) 5a.

2. 5(x + 10) + x

In this equation, we have a term in parentheses and another term outside the parentheses. To simplify, you need to distribute the number outside the parentheses to each term inside:

5(x + 10) + x = 5x + 50 + x

Now, we have two like terms, both with the variable "x" raised to the power of 1:

5x + 50 + x = (5 + 1)x + 50 = 6x + 50

So, the correct answer is A) 6x + 15.

No. And you've just used up your two guesses. You're on your own now.