Converting common noun into abstract noun

Common nouns:

Abstract nouns:

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To convert a common noun into an abstract noun, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the common noun: Start by identifying the common noun that you want to convert into an abstract noun. Common nouns are general names for people, places, things, or ideas. For example, let's take the common noun "hope."

2. Understand the meaning: Understand the meaning or concept behind the common noun. This will help you create an abstract noun that represents the idea or quality associated with the original noun. In the case of "hope," it represents a feeling of optimism or expectation.

3. Add a suffix: Choose an appropriate suffix to add to the common noun to transform it into an abstract noun. Suffixes are word endings that change the grammatical function or meaning of a word. Some common suffixes for creating abstract nouns include -ness, -ity, -tion, -hood, -ship, -ism, -ance, and -cy.

4. Create the abstract noun: Add the chosen suffix to the common noun. In the case of "hope," adding the suffix -ness would give us the abstract noun "hopefulness." This represents the quality or state of being hopeful.

It's important to note that not all common nouns can be converted into abstract nouns, and sometimes the choice of suffix can vary depending on the word and its meaning. Using a dictionary or a thesaurus can be helpful in finding appropriate suffixes and examples for specific common nouns.