Sarah and Joe are seeking to join a gym. Sarah saw on television that Great Gym is offering membership at $19.50 per month, plus a one-time registration fee of $59. Joe plans to join Wacky Workout World because Wacky Workout World only charges $9.50 per month, plus a one-time registration fee of $149.

If Sarah decides to join Great Gym and Joe joins Wacky Workout World, who would pay less during the first month of membership? Show your work.

can anyone help me please with my homework

already did. can you make a stab at this one? Use the equations I gave you earlier.

what equation

To find out who would pay less during the first month of membership, we need to compare the total cost for each person.

For Sarah:
Monthly fee: $19.50
Registration fee: $59
Total cost = Monthly fee + Registration fee = $19.50 + $59 = $78.50

For Joe:
Monthly fee: $9.50
Registration fee: $149
Total cost = Monthly fee + Registration fee = $9.50 + $149 = $158.50

Comparing the total costs:

Sarah's total cost = $78.50
Joe's total cost = $158.50

Therefore, Sarah would pay less during the first month of membership as her total cost is $78.50, while Joe's total cost is $158.50.