1. According to the map, where is Canada's population density highest?

a. in Northern Canada
b. in Central Canada
c. along the United States border
d. along the Canadian Cordillera

I think it's C


I agree.

i think its z

To determine where Canada's population density is highest according to the map, you should examine the data provided on the map. Look for areas that are shaded or color-coded to represent the population density.

If you are unable to access the map, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to provide a specific answer. However, I can give you a general idea of population distribution in Canada. Generally, Canada's population density is highest in southern regions and along the United States border, while the northern regions have much lower population density. The central regions of Canada, known as Central Canada, which include provinces like Ontario and Quebec, have a significant population and tend to have higher population density compared to other regions.