24 dogs line up for breakfast. The first cat eats one fish, the second cat eats two fish, and so on, with each cat eating one more fish than the one before it. How many fish are eaten in total.

Who knows.

Depends on how many cats we have.

If you meant, 24 cats line up for breakfast ....

cat 1 eats 1 fish, total fish eaten = 1
cat 2 eats 2 fish, total fish eaten = 1+2 = 3
cat 3 eats 3 fish, total fish eaten = 3+6 = 6
cat 4 eats 4 fish, total fish eaten = 6+4 = 10
cat 5 eats 5 fish, total fish eaten = 10+5 = 15
cat 6 eats 6 fish, total fish eaten = 15+6 = 21

this is really just an arithmetic sequence where
a = 1, d = 1, n = 24
and Sum(24) = 12(2 + 23(1)) = 300

To find the total number of fish eaten, we need to add up the number of fish eaten by each cat. Since each cat eats one more fish than the previous one, we can use a mathematical sequence to calculate the number of fish each cat eats.

The sequence can be represented as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. This is an arithmetic sequence with a common difference of 1. We need to find the sum of this sequence up to the 24th term.

To find the sum of an arithmetic sequence, we can use the formula:

Sum = (n/2)(2a + (n-1)d)

n is the number of terms
a is the first term
d is the common difference

In this case, the number of terms (n) is 24, the first term (a) is 1, and the common difference (d) is 1.

Plugging these values into the formula:

Sum = (24/2)(2(1) + (24-1)(1))
= (24/2)(2 + 23)
= 12(25)
= 300

Therefore, a total of 300 fish are eaten.