A pulley system having 5 pulleys is used to raise a 450N load. find the mechanical advatange and hence the effort if the efficiency is 75%

i know the mechanical advantage is the same as the velocity ratio. the MA and VR are equal to the number of pulleys which is equal to the number of parts in the rope or cable.

efficiency in this question is 75 percent of the MA or VR.

As how to find the effort im stuck on the same thing.... also looking for answers

I need it

I know this is a different question but I really need help with it.

A block and tackle system of pulleys consisting of 4 pulleys is used to raise a load of 500N through a
height of 20m. If the total work input in the pulley is equivalent to 10800J calculate,
i. velocity ratio of the system
ii. efficiency of the machine
iii. the mechanical advantage of the machine
iv. the effort applied.
It would be real great if someone responds like quick. Thanks..

To find the mechanical advantage (MA) of a pulley system, you need to determine the ratio between the load (L) and the effort (E) applied to the system. The formula for MA is:

MA = Load / Effort

In this case, the load (L) is 450N. Since the efficiency of the system is given as 75%, we can say that the output work is 75% of the input work:

Efficiency = Output Work / Input Work

0.75 = Output Work / Input Work

Therefore, the output work is 0.75 times the input work. The input work is the effort (E) multiplied by the distance over which it is exerted.

Now, let's consider that each pulley in a pulley system increases the mechanical advantage by a factor of 2. This means that the mechanical advantage of a pulley system with 5 pulleys is:

MA = 2^5 = 32

So, the mechanical advantage of the pulley system is 32. To find the effort (E), we rearrange the MA formula:

MA = Load / Effort

Effort = Load / MA

Effort = 450N / 32

Effort ≈ 14.06N

Therefore, the effort required to raise the load using the pulley system is approximately 14.06N.

it matters how the pulleys are connected.

A Pulleys system having 5 Pulleys is used to raise a 450N Load . Find the Mechanical Advantage and Hence the effort if the Efficency is 75%.