Need to simplify (6b to the 2 power)to the 2nd power

(6b to the 4th power)to the 4th power equals 24b to the 4th power

Not sure if I did this right trying to understand how to simplify. Please help, please.

(6b^2)^2 = 6^2 (b^2)^2 = 36b^4

To simplify the expression (6b^2)^2, we need to apply the exponent to both the base (6) and the variable (b).

First, let's start by simplifying the base, 6, raised to the power of 2:
6^2 = 6 * 6 = 36

Next, we simplify the variable, b, raised to the power of 2:
b^2 = b * b = b^2

Now, we combine the simplified base and variable:
(6b^2)^2 = 36 * b^2

Thus, the simplified expression is 36b^2.

Regarding your second expression, (6b^4)^4, the steps are similar:

First, simplify the base, 6, raised to the power of 4:
6^4 = 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 = 1,296

Next, simplify the variable, b, raised to the power of 4:
b^4 = b * b * b * b = b^4

Now, combine the simplified base and variable:
(6b^4)^4 = 1,296 * b^4

So, your calculation is correct, and the simplified expression is 1,296b^4.

Remember that when raising a power to another power, you multiply the exponents. Hopefully, this explanation helps you understand how to simplify expressions with exponents.