How did Mercantilism contribute to the American Revolution?

a. It created the means of cultural diffusion in the New World
b. It made the colonies economically independent
c.It brought together the French, English, and Spanish influences on one continent
d. It increased the crown's need for gold and silver

I am going between A and D. I think logically it would be D, but m textbook said something about cultural diffusion though I don't really see how that has anything to do with the American Revolution... Please help!!

Yes, D.

To determine how Mercantilism contributed to the American Revolution, let's explore the options and see which one aligns best with the historical context.

Option A: Mercantilism did not directly create the means of cultural diffusion in the New World. Although cultural diffusion did occur to some extent as different European powers settled and established colonies, it is not directly tied to Mercantilism or its impact on the American Revolution. Therefore, Option A is not the correct choice.

Option B: Mercantilism did not make the colonies economically independent. In fact, Mercantilist policies were designed to ensure the economic dependence of the colonies on their mother country. The colonies were seen as a source of raw materials and a market for finished goods for the benefit of the home country, rather than operating independently. Therefore, Option B is not the correct choice.

Option C: While Mercantilism did bring together various European influences on the American continent, it did not play a direct role in causing the American Revolution. The Revolution primarily stemmed from the tensions between the American colonists and the British government, rather than the interactions between different European powers. Therefore, Option C is not the correct choice.

Option D: This option states that Mercantilism increased the crown's need for gold and silver. Historically, Mercantilism placed an emphasis on accumulating precious metals, such as gold and silver, as a measure of economic strength. This desire for gold and silver led to policies that restricted colonial trade and resource extraction, effectively limiting the economic potential of the colonies. These policies and restrictions contributed to the discontent and grievances of the American colonists, ultimately leading to the American Revolution. Thus, Option D is the correct choice as it directly links Mercantilism to the causes of the Revolution.

With this analysis, we determine that Option D, "It increased the crown's need for gold and silver," is the correct answer as it best explains how Mercantilism contributed to the American Revolution.