What distance on the ground does 5 inches on a map represent if the scale is 1 in. = 1.5 mi.?

1 inch = 1.5 miles
5 inches =X

x- 1.5 x5
x= 7.5 miles


Thank you!

You're welcome.

To find the distance on the ground that 5 inches on a map represents, you need to use the scale given in the problem, which is 1 inch = 1.5 miles. Here's how you can solve it:

1. Set up a proportion using the scale:

1 inch / 1.5 miles = 5 inches / X miles

2. Cross-multiply and solve for X:

1 inch * X miles = 1.5 miles * 5 inches

X = (1.5 miles * 5 inches) / 1 inch

3. Simplify the equation:

X = 7.5 miles

So, 5 inches on the map represents a distance of 7.5 miles on the ground.