They systematic raiding of the Athapascans shows that organized warfare is most clearly identified with:

a. there is no record of either society initiating organized warfare

b. both farming and hunting societies

c. neither hunting nor farming societies

d. farming societies rather than hunting societies

e. hunting societies rather than farming societies

I am struggling between choice b and e. I know that the Athapascans were part of a hunting society. but i also think that it is more common in farming societies.

The systematic raiding of the Athapascans suggests that organized warfare is most clearly identified with hunting societies, which is option e. Although warfare can occur in both farming and hunting societies, the specific historical context of the Athapascans' raiding activities points towards hunting societies rather than farming societies.

To determine which answer is correct, we can examine the question and the information given. The question asks about the Athapascans and their involvement in organized warfare. The provided information states that the Athapascans were systematically raided.

To figure out whether organized warfare is more clearly identified with farming societies or hunting societies, we need to analyze the context. First, let's consider farming societies. In agricultural societies, people tend to settle in one place and engage in cultivation, allowing for the accumulation of resources and surplus. This surplus can lead to conflicts over land and resources, potentially resulting in organized warfare.

On the other hand, hunting societies, like the Athapascans, rely on hunting and gathering for their sustenance. These societies generally have a more nomadic lifestyle, moving across different regions to follow animal migrations. As such, they may have fewer conflicts over resources, as they do not rely on fixed agricultural land.

Now, let's evaluate the answer choices:

a. The answer suggests that there is no record of either society initiating organized warfare. However, the question states that the Athapascans were subjected to systematic raiding, indicating the existence of organized warfare.

b. This choice includes both farming societies and hunting societies. While it is possible for both societies to engage in organized warfare, we need to determine which society is more clearly associated with it based on the given information.

c. This choice suggests that neither hunting nor farming societies are associated with organized warfare. However, the question implies otherwise.

d. This choice states that farming societies are more associated with organized warfare. While they may be more prone to organized conflicts due to the issues surrounding land and resources, we cannot directly conclude this based on the information provided.

e. This choice suggests that hunting societies, like the Athapascans, are more clearly identified with organized warfare. Given that the Athapascans were systematically raided, this option seems to be the most appropriate.

Based on the context provided and the understanding that the Athapascans were part of a hunting society and were subjected to systematic raiding, it is reasonable to conclude that organized warfare is most clearly identified with hunting societies (Option e).

Remember, when answering questions, it is important to analyze the provided details and think critically to arrive at the most logical and supported response.