1.write down the aim of the investigation?

2.make aprediction ofthe outcome ofthe investigation?
3. Switchon the hotplate to its maximum heat and start the stopwatch immediately after that?

What investigation?

Outlines an investigation into a chemical and/or physical change.

1. State the aim of the investigation.
2. Predict the results of the investigation (hypothesis).

Can you please help me with those

1. The aim of the investigation is the main objective or purpose that you want to achieve through conducting the investigation. It should clearly state what you want to accomplish or discover through your research or experiments. To write down the aim of the investigation, you need to consider the specific question or problem you are trying to address. For example, if the investigation is about testing the effect of different fertilizers on plant growth, the aim could be "To determine the most effective fertilizer for promoting plant growth."

2. Making a prediction of the outcome of the investigation involves making an educated guess or hypothesis about what you think will happen based on your understanding of the topic or previous knowledge. A prediction can be stated as a direct expectation of the result you anticipate to observe. In scientific investigations, predictions are often based on theories or prior evidence. Continuing with the fertilizer example, a prediction could be "I predict that the plants treated with fertilizer X will show the highest growth rate."

3. To switch on the hotplate to its maximum heat and start the stopwatch immediately after that, you need to follow these steps:
a. Locate and ensure the hotplate is properly connected to a power source and turned off initially.
b. Turn the hotplate on by using the power switch or knob. Adjust it to the highest heat setting available.
c. Once the hotplate is switched on, you should have your stopwatch ready in hand.
d. As soon as you switch on the hotplate, press the start button on the stopwatch to begin timing.
e. Record the time on the stopwatch according to your experimental requirements or until you achieve the desired result.

Remember, it's important to follow safety guidelines and instructions provided by the manufacturer when using the hotplate and stopwatch to ensure a safe and accurate investigation.