It’s true that children depend in the parents for food, clothing and shelter. that,,, is wrong here ???? that


"that" is used correctly here.

Based on your question, it appears there might be a grammatical error in the sentence you provided. The phrase "that,,, is wrong here ????" does not seem to fit coherently with the rest of the sentence. However, I can help you correct the sentence and provide a clear explanation.

The corrected sentence would be: "It's true that children depend on their parents for food, clothing, and shelter."

Explanation: In this sentence, the word "depend" is used to show that children rely on their parents or caregivers for basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. The phrase "It's true" indicates that the statement is accurate or correct. By using "their parents," it clarifies that the children rely specifically on the parental figures in their lives for support.