Arrange given metal in decreasing order of electrical conductivity ( Al ,Ag ,Hg ,K,Ca

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To arrange the given metals in decreasing order of electrical conductivity, we need to have some knowledge of their conductivity values. Conductivity generally depends on the presence of free electrons in a material that can carry an electric charge.

In this case, the metals given are Aluminum (Al), Silver (Ag), Mercury (Hg), Potassium (K), and Calcium (Ca).

To determine the order of electrical conductivity, we can refer to a table or database that provides the electrical conductivity values for different metals. One reliable source is the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.

According to the CRC Handbook, the electrical conductivities (in mega Siemens per meter, MS/m) at 20 degrees Celsius are:

Silver (Ag): 63 MS/m
Copper (Cu): 58 MS/m
Aluminum (Al): 38 MS/m
Calcium (Ca): 30 MS/m
Mercury (Hg): 1.04 MS/m
Potassium (K): 14.9 MS/m

Based on these values, we can arrange the metals in decreasing order of electrical conductivity:

1. Silver (Ag) - 63 MS/m
2. Copper (Cu) - 58 MS/m (not mentioned in the given list but included for comparison)
3. Aluminum (Al) - 38 MS/m
4. Calcium (Ca) - 30 MS/m
5. Potassium (K) - 14.9 MS/m
6. Mercury (Hg) - 1.04 MS/m

Therefore, the given metals in decreasing order of electrical conductivity are: Ag, Al, Ca, K, Hg.