Syed's income is 25% more than that of Emraan.How many per cent is Emraan's income less than that of Syed?

Syed's is 5/4 of Emraan's

So, Emraan's is 4/5 of Syed's

Let Emraan's income be Rs 100

Then, Syed's income = Rs 125
If Syed's income is Rs 125, then
Emraan's income = Rs 100
If Syed's income is Rs 100, then
Emraan's income = Rs 80
Hence,Emraan's income is less than that of Syed by 20%

To find the percentage by which Emraan's income is less than Syed's, we need to compare their incomes.

Let's assume Emraan's income is "x".
Since Syed's income is 25% more than Emraan's, we can calculate Syed's income as (x + 0.25x) = 1.25x.

To find the percentage by which Emraan's income is less than Syed's, we can use the formula:

Percentage = [(Syed's income - Emraan's income) / Syed's income] * 100

Substituting the values, we get:
Percentage = [(1.25x - x) / 1.25x] * 100

Simplifying this expression, we get:
Percentage = [(0.25x) / 1.25x] * 100

The 0.25x cancels out, leaving us with:
Percentage = (1/5) * 100

Thus, Emraan's income is 20% less than Syed's income.