What is the basic independent unit of the world politics.

A county
B province
C nation
D organization****

This....isn't....a math question....

But the answer is B. Province

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The basic independent unit of world politics is a nation. To come to this conclusion, we first need to understand what each option represents and then determine which option fits the criteria of being an independent unit in world politics.

A county refers to a geographical division within a larger region, usually within a province or state. Counties are typically administrative units without the full autonomy and influence in world politics.

A province, on the other hand, is a division within a country, typically with some level of political power and local governance, but it does not have independent status in world politics.

An organization, represented by option D, generally refers to an entity composed of individuals or entities working together towards a common goal. While organizations can have a significant impact on world politics, they are typically not recognized as independent units. They derive their influence and power from the member states or nations that comprise them.

Finally, a nation refers to a group of people who share a common language, culture, and history, typically occupying a specific territory. Nations often have their own governments, political systems, and interact independently in world politics.

Therefore, the correct answer is C - nation. A nation is the basic independent unit in world politics.