An empty 1.5 litre Pepsi bottle is filled with uncooked rice. A marble is put into the bottle and a pencil used to push it down until it is buried in the rice. The bottle is capped and shook hard back and forth. The bottle is then placed on the table.

What do you observe?

To observe the situation described, you would need to consider the interactions between the rice, marble, and bottle when it is shaken and placed on the table. Here is a step-by-step explanation of what you might observe:

1. Shaking the bottle: When you shake the bottle vigorously back and forth, the rice and marble inside will be subjected to the motion. The shaking will cause the rice and marble to move around and collide with each other and the walls of the bottle.

2. Effects of shaking: The shaking motion will lead to the rice grains and marble spreading out within the bottle. The movement causes the rice grains to settle in different positions, creating gaps and spaces between them.

3. Marble placement: As the bottle is shaken, the marble will get buried in the rice. The constant movement and the pressure exerted by the surrounding rice grains will cause the marble to sink and eventually become hidden within the rice.

4. After shaking: Once you stop shaking the bottle and place it on the table, the rice and marble will start to settle due to gravity. The rice grains will gradually come closer together, while the marble may remain buried or sink even further.

Overall, you would observe that after shaking the bottle, the marble would most likely be hidden within the rice. Once the bottle is placed on the table, the rice and marble will start to settle, with the rice grains coming closer together and potentially further obscuring the marble.

Based on the given scenario, here are the observations you can make:

1. The marble, initially placed on top of the rice, is buried within the rice when the pencil is used to push it down.
2. When the bottle is capped and shaken vigorously, the rice and the marble inside the bottle move around due to the shaking motion.
3. After shaking, when the bottle is placed on the table, you may notice that the marble settles somewhere within the rice, possibly near the bottom of the bottle. The rice, on the other hand, may settle around the marble or distribute unevenly within the bottle.
4. There might be some noise coming from the bottle due to the movement of rice and the marble.

It is important to note that these observations are hypothetical as you are simply given a scenario, and the actual outcome may vary depending on the exact conditions and variables involved.