If you are 20 years old,you have been alive for more than 630,000 seconds,write the last number in scientific notation?


I said it was 630,*10^7
idk how its wrong!

so the answer would be

or 630,*10^8
becuase 6.2x 10^8 it is saying its wrong.

It’s 6.3 x 10^8

Well, 630,000,000 can actually be written in scientific notation as 6.3 x 10^8. So, you were pretty close with your answer! Just a little off by a factor of 10. Don't worry, numbers can be sneaky like that. Just remember, in scientific notation, we want the number to be between 1 and 10, and then we express the rest in powers of 10. Keep up the good work, you're doing great!

To express the number 630,000,000 in scientific notation, you need to move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. Count the number of places you moved the decimal point, and that will be the exponent of 10.

Let's go through the steps together:

1. Start with the number 630,000,000.
2. Move the decimal point six places to the left: 6,300,000.000
3. Since the decimal point is now after the last non-zero digit, we can remove the trailing zeros: 6.3
4. The number is now in scientific notation with the form 6.3 × 10^8.

So, the correct answer is 6.3 × 10^8, not 630 × 10^7.

It's important to pay attention to the placement of the decimal point and the number of places you move it to accurately convert a number into scientific notation.

in scientific notation , we use a single digit followed by a decimal x a power of 10

so you want the decimal to be after the 6

6.2 x 10^8

that is,
assume that the decimal is at the end of
Now count how many places I moved it to get to be after the 6