The area of a rhombus is 84 cm2 and one diagonal is 12 cm. Find the other diagonal of the rhombus.

area = (1/2) d1 d2

84 = (1/2)(12) d2
d2 = 84/6 = 14

Area of rhombus =1\2d1 d2

84 =1\2 12 d2
168 = 12 d2
168 \12 = d2
14 = d2
d2 =14

To find the other diagonal of the rhombus, we can use the formula for the area of a rhombus:

Area = (diagonal1 * diagonal2) / 2

Given that the area is 84 cm^2 and one diagonal is 12 cm, we can substitute these values into the formula to solve for the other diagonal.

84 = (12 * diagonal2) / 2

To isolate diagonal2, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 2 and divide by 12:

(84 * 2) / 12 = diagonal2

Simplifying the equation:

168 / 12 = diagonal2

diagonal2 = 14 cm

Therefore, the other diagonal of the rhombus is 14 cm.

To find the other diagonal of the rhombus, we can use the formula:

Area = (d1 * d2) / 2

- "Area" is the given area of the rhombus,
- "d1" is the length of one diagonal (given as 12 cm),
- "d2" is the length of the other diagonal (what we need to find).

Rearranging the formula, we have:

d2 = (2 * Area) / d1

Substituting the given values, we get:

d2 = (2 * 84 cm^2) / 12 cm

Calculating this, we find:

d2 = 168 cm^2 / 12 cm
d2 = 14 cm

Therefore, the length of the other diagonal of the rhombus is 14 cm.