What are the subject verb and object of this sentence. Paralegal must have good ethics.


Look up each term here, and let us know what you decide.

Subject is paralegals verb must have object good ethics

In the sentence "Paralegal must have good ethics," the subject is "Paralegal," the verb is "must have," and the object is "good ethics."

To identify the subject, verb, and object in a sentence, it helps to understand their roles:

1. Subject: The subject is the person, thing, or entity that performs the action or is being described in a sentence. It usually comes before the verb. In this case, "Paralegal" refers to a specific person or professional, and it is the subject because it is the doer of the action.

2. Verb: The verb is a word or phrase that shows the action or state of being in a sentence. It often conveys what the subject is doing or experiencing. In this sentence, the verb is "must have," which indicates a requirement or necessity.

3. Object: The object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. It answers the question "what" or "whom" after the verb. In this case, "good ethics" is the object because it receives the action and describes what the subject must have.

To identify the subject, look for who or what is doing the action. To find the verb, identify the action or state of being in the sentence. Lastly, determine the object by asking what is receiving the action of the verb.