Did ypu know that six Canadian prisons have tattoo shops? How would u explain this fact?

Pls help. Thanks

I didn't know that. But tattoos are very popular with many people now. The tattoo shops help train the inmates to make a living work in tattoo shops after they're released from prison.


To explain this fact, you can say that six Canadian prisons have tattoo shops as part of their rehabilitation programs. These tattoo shops serve two purposes: to provide inmates with a skill they can use to earn a living after their release, and to promote positive behavior and personal development during their time in prison. The shops are often run as vocational training programs, where inmates can learn the art of tattooing under supervised conditions. This not only gives them practical skills but also teaches them discipline, creativity, and attention to detail. By offering these opportunities, the prison system aims to improve inmates' chances of successful reintegration into society and reduce the likelihood of them reoffending. This approach recognizes the potential for personal growth and rehabilitation, even within the prison system.