In one school, 5/6 of the sixth graders take a foreign language. Of these students 2/5 take French. What fraction of the sixth graders take French.

Answer: 5/6 x 2/5=25/30 + 12/30=37/30=1 7/30

Can you please double check my answer to see if I got it right.

You can't have a fraction that's more than 1.

5/6 x 2/5 = 10/30 = 1/3

I figured out what I did wrong. In multiplication you don't find the common denominator but in addition and subtraction you do. That is what I did wrong.

Yes! :-)

ty Ms. Sue:)

yw, Matt

Sure! Let's double check your answer.

To find the fraction of the sixth graders that take French, we need to multiply the fractions representing the proportion of sixth graders that take a foreign language (5/6) and the proportion of students that take French among those who take a foreign language (2/5).

5/6 x 2/5 = (5 x 2) / (6 x 5) = 10/30 = 1/3

So, the correct fraction of the sixth graders that take French is 1/3, not 1 7/30.

Your answer of 1 7/30 seems to have some calculation errors. Instead, the correct answer is 1/3.