kushal sells 10 coffee for a rupee gains 20 % how many did he buy for a rupee

idiot qeustion

To determine the number of coffees Kushal bought for a rupee, we need to use the concept of percentage gain and understand the relationship between selling price, cost price, and profit or loss.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. We know that Kushal sells 10 coffees for a rupee, and he gains 20%. This means that 10 coffees are sold for a price that includes a 20% profit.

2. To calculate the selling price per coffee, we divide the total selling price by the number of coffees: 1 rupee / 10 coffees = 0.1 rupee per coffee.

3. Since Kushal earns a 20% profit on each coffee, we can calculate the cost price per coffee. The selling price per coffee is equal to the cost price plus 20% of the cost price:

Selling price per coffee = Cost price per coffee + 20% of cost price

Substituting the values: 0.1 rupee per coffee = Cost price per coffee + 0.2 * Cost price per coffee

4. Simplifying the equation, we get: 0.1 = 1.2 * Cost price per coffee

5. Now, we need to find the cost price per coffee, which is the amount Kushal paid to buy one coffee. To do this, we divide both sides of the equation by 1.2:

Cost price per coffee = 0.1 / 1.2

Cost price per coffee = 0.0833 rupee

Therefore, Kushal bought 0.0833 (or approximately 0.08) coffees for one rupee.