Draw a circuit diagram of a circuit containing two cells in series, a closed switch,three identical light bulbs in parallel


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To draw a circuit diagram containing two cells in series, a closed switch, and three identical light bulbs in parallel, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line to represent the wire or conducting material for the circuit.
2. On the left end of the wire, draw a circle to represent the positive terminal of the first cell. Label it as "+A".
3. Connect the positive terminal of the first cell to the negative terminal (represented by a shorter line) of the second cell by drawing a vertical line downward.
4. On the right end of the vertical line, draw another circle to represent the negative terminal of the second cell. Label it as "-B".
5. From the negative terminal of the second cell, draw a horizontal line to the right to represent the wire continuing in the circuit.
6. At the end of the wire to the right, draw a closed switch by drawing a vertical line downward with two short horizontal lines extending from it.
7. Below the switch, draw three horizontal lines parallel to each other to represent the three light bulbs.
8. Connect one end of each light bulb to the wire connecting the second cell's negative terminal and the switch's vertical line.
9. Connect the other end of each light bulb to a common point (represented by a single line) which represents the wire continuing in the circuit.
10. Finally, label the common point where the light bulbs connect to the wire as "-C" to indicate it as the common negative point.

Your final circuit diagram should resemble this:

+A _______ -B
| | |
---+ ---+ ---+

To better represent the bulbs, you can add symbols of light bulbs instead of horizontal lines. Note that the light bulbs in parallel share the voltage and have the same brightness.