Jack's age is 3 times more than his younger cousin, Gabby's age and 4 times more than his younger brother's. If Jack's younger cousin's age is 8, how old is his younger brother?

j = 3g

j = 4b
g = 8

Now just find b:

j = 3*8 = 24
24 = 4b
b = 6

To determine Jack's younger brother's age, we first need to find Jack's age. We are given that Jack's age is 3 times more than Gabby's age, and since Gabby is 8 years old, we can calculate Jack's age.

Jack's age = 3 * Gabby's age
Jack's age = 3 * 8
Jack's age = 24

Now that we know Jack's age is 24, we can find his younger brother's age. We are told that Jack's age is 4 times more than his younger brother's age.

Jack's age = 4 * Younger brother's age
24 = 4 * Younger brother's age

To find the value of the younger brother's age, we can divide both sides of the equation by 4.

24 / 4 = Younger brother's age
6 = Younger brother's age

Therefore, Jack's younger brother is 6 years old.