They crowned him king

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subject, verb, dir obj, obj complement

they | crowned | him / king

To determine who was crowned king, we first need to establish the context of the question. Are you referring to a specific historical event or a fictional story? Once we have that information, we can explore different sources such as books, articles, or online resources to gather more details about the individual who was crowned king.

If it is a historical event, you can start by researching the relevant time period and location to identify potential candidates for the title of king. Look for significant events such as the death of a previous monarch, the end of a succession dispute, or the establishment of a new dynasty.

In the case of a fictional story, it is essential to identify the source material. This could be a book, movie, TV show, or even a video game. By reading or watching the story, you can find the moment when the character is proclaimed king.

Additionally, it may be helpful to consult reliable sources such as historical or literary analyses, official websites, or interviews with the creator of the story. These sources can provide further insights into the coronation process and the reasons behind crowning a specific individual as king.