How much mL of dilute nitric acid is needed to add in control solution in chloride limit test in sodium hydroxide sample according to japanese pharmacopia??can u please give me Answer

To determine the amount of dilute nitric acid needed to add in the control solution for the chloride limit test in a sodium hydroxide sample according to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, you need to consult the specific guidelines provided in the pharmacopoeia. As an AI, I am unable to provide you with specific information from the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.

To find the answer, you can refer to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia or related reference materials. These resources should contain detailed instructions on conducting the chloride limit test for a sodium hydroxide sample, including the specific volume of dilute nitric acid to be used in the control solution.

Here's how you can find the information:

1. Obtain the Japanese Pharmacopoeia: This can be accessed through a subscription-based online platform or by purchasing a hard copy of the publication.

2. Navigate to the relevant section: Look for the section that addresses the chloride limit test for sodium hydroxide. This section should provide detailed instructions, including the amount of dilute nitric acid required for the control solution.

3. Review the procedure: Read through the procedure carefully to identify the specific volume of dilute nitric acid to be added to the control solution.

4. Note the volume: Once you have located the required information in the pharmacopoeia, make a note of the prescribed volume of dilute nitric acid needed for the control solution in the chloride limit test.

Using this approach, you will be able to find the exact volume of dilute nitric acid required as per the Japanese Pharmacopoeia guidelines for the chloride limit test in a sodium hydroxide sample.